I used bakers clay. You can find the recipe for this all over the internet but here it is:
2 cups of flour
1/2 cup of salt
3/4 to 1 cup of water
Mix the salt and flour and then add in the water. Knead with hands until smooth. Last time I baked the little bear but since these guys are a little chubby, his back cracked in the baking. FYI, I understand that less chunky pieces won't crack. I read that you can also just allow them to air dry over a few days. I'm going to try that this time and see how that goes. I'll paint them in a few days.
The kids really love playing with this stuff, too. I think we may make some ornaments by rolling it out flat and cutting it with cookie cutters, let the kids paint them and give them to adoring grandparents.
So cute, Kelly! i wish my playdough creations looked this cute - i'm really good at making snakes :)
Hi! I found your blog through the Above Rubies group! I love the bears! They are wonderful. Feel free to visit my blog!
um, so now i found the pictures again and i still can't figure out how you made them... how 'bout a step by step tutorial... you know, in your FREE TIME :)
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